To satisfy all the curiosity surrounding European practices of universal healthcare, I thought I’d share about my trip to the dentist. Being, of course, a small-government Libertarian kind of girl, I am not particularly enthused about the recent steps America has taken towards national healthcare. And yet, obviously, my opinions didn’t stop me from using the system when I needed it.
A few weeks ago my back molars were looking pretty icky and my untrained dentist’s opinion was sure I’d developed a cavity. To my complete surprise, I found a very reputable dentist in Cupar – a town near St Andrews – which offered NHS coverage to students. Also to my surprise, they had space for an appointment! I’m well aware of American ideas regarding dental practice, so you might understand my shock. Yesterday, I dutifully boarded the X24 with high hopes of sparkling teeth and clean gums. On the way, however, something amazing happened.
I’ve wanted to experience a grand moment of awe at Scotland since I arrived on that frosty February morning. In a totally unexpected way, my moment happened. Somewhere between listening to the soundtrack of Miss Potter on my iPod and watching the Scottish countryside unfold before my eyes, a wave of sentimentalism hit. That moment when I realized my dream is a reality. I’m in Scotland. I’m in Scotland. Repeating that phrase over and over again seemed to make everything materialize. What a feeling.
Sappiness aside, cut to me standing at the bus stop in the middle of a small Scottish hamlet called Cupar. Thanks to Google Maps, I had an idea of where this dentistry was located. Matters seem so much clearer on computer screens! Through the amazing process of dead-reckoning, and popping into a chemists’ shop to ask directions, I forged ahead and found the wee cottage where my dentist was waiting for me. Or, rather, I waited for the dentist - my bus put me in Cupar about an hour before my appointment so I had time to kill. I’m here to say that waiting rooms in Scotland are just the same as waiting rooms in America. I also am happy to report that dentists still give out stickers over here in the Old Country. A cute kid skipped out the door with some Scooby-Doo action on his shirt and I had to smile to myself. Children will be children!
Finally, after reading a book for class and conversing with fellow patients, it was my turn to be seen. Contrary to the popular belief of some, a government funded health institution doesn’t look like a scene out of a George Orwell novel. Although, I have to say, I have heard my experience was a treat. Apparently some dentists, as the doctor was telling me, can be quite horrific. When I told the dentist that I haven’t had a check-up in two years she laughed heartily and said, “O honey, you’re in Scotland now. Two years is about normal!” At that moment, I felt right at home.
Turns out, my “cavity” wasn’t a cavity at all but, rather, really dirty teeth. Sounds lovely, huh? She cleaned out the gunk and put a filling cap of sorts on my two back teeth. While the treatment wasn’t free, it also wasn’t terribly expensive. With the NHS subsidy, 16 pounds for a dentist visit was incredibly reasonable – especially in a country where people stereotypically never make dentist appointments and simply let teeth fall right out of their head.
Another cultural experience happened while I was waiting to catch the X24 back to St Andrews. Propped up against the bus stop wall, I was able to witness a very Scottish phenomenon. Neds! A ‘ned’, according to Wikipedia - the source of all wisdom, is “a white adolescent male of working class background, who wear brand names, gold jewellery, and engage in hooliganism, petty criminality, loutish behaviour, fighting, underage drinking and smoking or general anti-social behavior.” Just so you guys have an idea of what we’re dealing with here. ‘Ned’ stands for "non-educated delinquent,” and this same lot could be spotted in England under the guise of ‘chav’. So, yes, I was waiting in a bus stop full of these kids engaging in all the above mentioned behavior. Where are you parents? Don’t you have homework? What are you two doing? These questions and more flew into my mind as I observed this funny group of people. Hopefully this little comment isn’t too horrible, it was just such a peculiar experience I had to share! Needless to say, I returned to St Andrews unscathed and with cleaner teeth than before I left.
More homework to do this evening. I’m actually doing very well keeping up with assignments; Easter Holidays are a great motivator.
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