Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Impressions

St. Andrews is perhaps one of the cutest old towns I have seen in my life. I don’t think I’m besotted, either! This medieval city is really quite charming. Maybe the castle ruins, or the rugged coastline, or the windy roads make it so. Scottish people are very friendly, though not inclined to smile and nod on the road. (I haven’t met any loud, drunk, or ginger Scots - for the record.) If you need an interesting conversation, just mention the Scottish National Party and you’re set!

As classes haven’t started yet, there’s still a great deal of Americans on campus. I’ve met two new friends, one a Psychology major one a Classics major, and think we will get on well. All three of us signed up for a day trip to Loch Ness at the end of the month, which should be amazing. I hope to find the monster as well as score some terrific photographs. Loch Ness is just one of the many places in Scotland I hope to visit during my stay. This country has so much to offer!

Of course, all these amazing adventures require money. I’m sorry to report that the exchange rate from dollars to pounds is not in our favor, my fellow countrymen. I don’t think I’ve ever planned on being more frugal. The good news is that I bought at least four days’ worth of food from Tesco for less than £6. The bad news is a Korean student in the kitchen informed me that thefts are not unlikely in the common refrigerator. Beware food thieves! I will hunt you down if you steal my Apricot Jelly. I will hunt you down! In the spirit of positive thinking, I’m not too put out - I’ll just plan on buying non-refrigerated food for the next four months. Besides, my room was plenty frigid enough!

Last night, the heat did not come on at the time expected. Just now, the porter came to my room and found the problem. I didn’t have the valve open. Though this little mishap wasn’t my fault, since I just moved in and found everything as it sits, I felt very silly. Now, my room is plenty cheerful with all of my things finally in place and the heat (finally) working. Though you have to twist around a positive labyrinth to find it, I believe I’ll enjoy this space.


  1. Just an idea as a personal fan of your adventures... would you consider adding a paypal link here?? Would this help to offset some of the costs of your adventure and help to support your educational endeavors?? I don't have much, but I would PAY just to read about your adventures here on your lovely blog! Just a thought.

    Much Love!!

    Ms. Kimber

  2. That's not a bad idea...if things get desperate I'll think about it :) So many people have offered to help. I'm good to go, just needing to be careful - that's all!
    Thanks for reading!!!
