Saturday, February 6, 2010

More of the same (amazing) St. Andrews

Today was yet another learn-by-trial-and-error day. I have really enjoyed this freedom to traipse about from store to store, street to street. At least I’ve oriented myself before classes start. It’s funny, I still feel like I’m in tourist-mode. My previous ventures in Europe (how posh, right?) lasted less than two weeks. We had to dash to cover everything in that time. Putting my Type A personality aside, my goal is to roll with the punches and not fret about sightseeing. I’m also worried that my blogging has been a little too frequent but, again, Scotland is a brand new playground and I’m simply inspired.

I did make it to the castle with my travelling buddy Ruth as expected. We admired the grandeur of the place without paying the (outrageous) £5.50 entrance fee. Besides, just looking at the formidable walls set against a rocky shore was enough to make my heart flutter. In the gift shop, a couple was speaking with the curator about hosting their wedding at the castle. Could you imagine being married in a castle? Ruth and I also found a cute hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Our waiter poked harmless fun at our accents, when we asked for water. “Och, you’d like some wAter, would you?” He asked, emphasizing our hard American ‘A’. Scottish humor makes me giggle anytime. (On a totally unrelated note, I need some translation advice. A sign in the restaurant window read: Och Aye the Noo! If anyone, Scottish or not, could enlighten me as to the meaning of this phrase, I would be grateful! I believe “Och” is like “Oh” and “Aye,” we know from pirates, means “Yes” – other than that I’m lost.) And last, but not least, I found a cute secondhand bookstore on a windy side street. I am now in possession of two books for class as well as a priceless volume entitled Don’ts for Husbands. First published in 1913 this charming book holds age old tricks for husbands to ensure happy marriages to their (must have been) demanding wives. Tips like "Don't argue that a new hat isn't necessary." "Don't sulk when things go wrong." "Don't insist upon having the last word." I can't help but wonder if this book is a satire, but only hope it was intended to be serious!

I will also report that, yes, Scotland is cold and rainy - cold and rainy today, probably cold and rainy tomorrow. The locals don’t seem to be bothered by the rain, though. Faces set against the elements, they go about their business. I’m learning how to master the chic-rain look. It’s an art.

Tonight has been pretty calm. I caught up on some much-cherished correspondence, finished the last installment of BBC’s Emma, wept with joy, and got in some reading. Many people are going out tonight and I feel like such an old woman! Once I’m settled and in a routine, maybe I’ll be more prone to spending nights on the town. As for now, I’m still trying to maximize my time and avoid making the 20 minute walk from my hall of residence to town as much as possible. Tomorrow I’m planning to go to church and then cheer on Caledonia as they take on France in a 6 Nations Rugby match. Can we say Sunday?


  1. Victoria! I consulted the ever-wise internet, and according to my most trusted source, Wikipedia, "Och aye the noo" means "Oh yes, just now."
