Monday, April 26, 2010


(Note: The brief testimony I prepared, as promised!)

During my study abroad experience this term, I’ve not only learned about the Development of the Novel and Scottish Fiction, but I’ve also taken away amazing truths about the LORD. The bulk of my lessons can be summed up in three points:

1) God's Providence (Psalm 121: 7-8 "The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your goin gout and your comin gin from this time forth and forevermore." ESV)

2) God's Pleasure (Isaiah 55: 3 "Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may life; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David." ESV)

3) God's Purpose (2 Chronicles 7: 14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." NIV)

As I prepared to study abroad in Scotland, I prayed fervently for my upcoming semester. I prayed that God would season my time with “lessons and blessings”, that he would surround me with encouraging people and experiences. Little did I know how radically and completely God would answer my prayers. My Christian walk had been enjoying a revival of sorts in college, a turning back to the Father after turbulent adolescent years. Not wanting to abandon my rejuvenated faith, I searched out churches in the St. Andrews area and, providentially, found a Baptist Church in the town.

My first Sunday at St. Andrews Baptist, I was delighted to find a bustling congregation and a pastor who quoted John Piper as well as Charles Spurgeon in one sermon. Right on! That day, I was also introduced to the Christian Union at the university, as well as a LINK Bible Study group in my hall. In no time at all, I formed solid friendships which only have gotten stronger. Friendships materialized not only within the New Hall LINK group, but also from students and JSAs who continue to challenge, encourage, and allow me to minister in really amazing ways. (You know who you are! And thank you, from the bottom of my heart.)

During those first few weeks, I came to realize what a huge leap I had taken – going so far away from home, for such a long time, in a totally new place. Looking back, I know that God demonstrated his Providence in mighty ways. The examples are countless. Of course being in Scotland, a place I’d wanted to visit for a long time, gave me a kind of happiness that I have never experienced. In addition to experiencing God’s Providence, I received such a taste of God’s Pleasure.

Feelings aren’t everything, I know, but such moments of total bliss I will forever count and treasure as gifts from God. Even now, Scotland makes me crazy! Almost every morning I wake up with a huge smile on my face and a spring in my step, ready to explore God’s creation. My travel journal entries and photographs can attest to this fact. Even now, the simplest Scottish overtone can lift my spirits. God has allowed me to bask in his glory, drunk on love and high on life. Granted, everyday life isn’t all flowers and butterflies; yet, I can honestly say I appreciate the UK even more for not being ‘perfect’. Facing reality is exactly how God demonstrated this next aspect, His Purpose, to me.

During ‘White Wash Week’, named so for an emphasis on being washed as white as snow, we all eagerly set out to pray for and minister to the town of St. Andrews. Perhaps one of the most profound experiences in my Christian walk, White Wash Week allowed me to see the vast need our world has for a Savior and, most excitingly, how God could use me to share His plan of redemption. God’s purpose for his people is to, “glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.” I finally realized that Christianity is not confined to Sunday morning pews and potlucks. It’s life. Work-a-day, everyday life and it’s beautiful. God truly demonstrated the power of prayer, the effectiveness of evangelism, the sacredness of worship, and the brilliance of His purpose.

Now, I face another journey – the journey home. My prayer has been that these wonderful changes I’ve experienced over the past few months will not be confined to Scotland. I pray that the person I’ve become will carry onward, throughout the rest of my life. Fear sometimes overtakes my bright spirits. What if I fail? What if I really haven’t changed? I ask myself. And then, in the still quiet moments where I find God, He reassures me that this transformation is for real. God has given me a new vigor for life that will sustain, I’m sure. It will sustain as long as I cling to the source, as long as I continue to hold fast to Christ.

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