I suppose I always knew this time would come: the close of my semester abroad in Scotland. This blasted essay due tomorrow could be putting me in a bit of an angsty mood anyway, but I also think that the reality of what’s ahead is becoming clear. For many years, I dreamed of escaping, of breaking away and exploring the world. I’ve done that, now what?
Maybe my question is a bit too melodramatic. I am anxious to see my family and friends again. I am truly excited about continuing my studies at college – about returning to my job – about reconnecting with my best friends. And yet, the price is that I have to say goodbye to Scotland for a season. This semester has been one of the best and brightest in my academic career. I have become used to studying here, used to living here. Studying abroad in St. Andrews has made me a better student, a better person, and a better Christian. I wonder if all these changes for the better will follow me back across the pond. I pray they will.
How strange to feel torn between two places. My allegiance must lie with America, but I’m afraid that my heart has rooted here. What are you all going to do with this romantic, sentimental mess of a woman?
Enough nonsense for the moment! I have an essay to finish and a May Dip to look forward to tomorrow. Life is good. Really, it is so good.
What beautiful memories you will have and friendships made across the ocean to cherish. PRICELESS